Time, ladies and gentlemen, does not stand still. This has never been more apparent to me than in the past 2 years, when we've gone from couplehood to parenthood, and suddenly we have a three-year-old on our hands. Crazy! And crazier still, my little ol' blog here is just about to celebrate its one-year blogoversary. Yes indeed, that's a full year of sharing news and insights and lots and lots of scrumptious kidlit. Oh boy, and there's so many more books I want to share with you!

To that end, I'm starting a couple of new features on the blog. First up is "Wayback Wednesday". Every Wednesday I will share a classic favorite kidlit title. Some will be picture books, some novels, and there may even be a classic collection or two thrown in. I expect that it won't be tough for me to come up with titles for this feature, as there are so many fantastic oldies-but-goodies that I want to experience all over again with Sprout. But I'd love input from you, dear reader - if you have a classic kid's book that you'd like us to share our thoughts on, please email me (
sproutsbookshelf *at* gmail *dot* com) or leave the title in the comments. I'm going to keep the definition of classic pretty loose here, but I'd say it has to be published at least 15 years ago or longer to qualify. And if you have a book blog of your own, we'd love it if you'd join in with a Wayback Wednesday choice of your own. If you do, and you send me the link, I'll share it here as well. This should be a fun one!
The next is a reboot - I'm aiming to bring back my periodic "Link Love" posts, in which I share a plethora of kidlit news from around the globe. This was one of the most popular features when I started it several months ago, but alas, it fell by the wayside with the advent of a hectic couple of semesters there. But I'm chin up and determined to give it another go. So if you come across a juicy tidbit of kidlit loveliness, please send that on to me post-haste. I promise to share with the class.
And the last bit of news is my idea of total self-indulgence - my intention to join in the fun of the
48 Hour Book Challenge. Sponsored by MotherReader, this event is in its seventh year, but this will be my first time to join in. I'm SO excited to be a part of this annual readathon, particularly since this year participants will be donating to
Book People Unite, a project of
Reading is Fundamental. I'm starting at the shallow end of this challenge,
committing right here and now to 12-23 hours of reading and blogging in a 48 hour period this coming weekend, June 8-10. Wow, and even that is going to be a challenge of its own, with a three-year-old Sprout demanding more than a little attention. But I'm determined to get some major reading done, and am building up the TBR Pile even as we speak!
Stay tuned for more blogoversary news, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the big reveal of our first-ever Wayback Wednesday title!
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